What are the ascii codes of the arrow keys on the keyboard?


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I am working on a project in C and came across the following method

static void keyEvent( unsigned char key, int x, int y)
    /* quit if the ESC key is pressed */
    if( key == 0x1c ) {
        printf("*** %f (frame/sec)\n", (double)count/arUtilTimer());

I need to perform some functions by clicking the directional keys , I tried to printar on the console but I did not succeed... I use ASCII code p/ catch the click on these keys? If yes, which are?

  • I was going to say p/ you printar and see what the screens are but you said you couldn’t, what happened?

  • http://stackoverflow.com/a/2877857/6101515

  • @Paulohdsousa gave error and simply closed the Prog, perhaps because of the variable type, I tried printf(key); inside the keyEvento, before the first if.

  • You may find on the net the ASCII value p/ these keys but it is not reliable, the best is you pick up yourself, these values change depending on the OS.

  • @Juniornunes worth, I had already seen this post, but anyway, I found nothing here in Sopt regarding this, I saw in this same post that using Opengl and GLUT exists for example GLUT_KEY_UP, maybe that’s the way...

1 answer


These keys do not have "ASCII" code. The ASCII table consists of 128 characters, send 32 control and 96 printable - and the control ones contain only "digitable" keys - type "enter", "tab" - and some others for which the current PC keyboards do not have "beep" keys, "form feed", etc...

Well, only the current keyboard has 104 keys - mostly modifiable with shift and/or alt - and the shift and alt themselves have no match in this table.

What happens is that the keyboard sends a hardware code to each keystroke, and the operating system translates and makes these signals available to programs - but this is done in different layers, and what code you get for which key depends a lot on which call to the system you’re making.

The operating system method you are using is used by the C library function you use to read the keyboard- as you did not put which is the effective call to get the key code, it is not possible to expand this answer with a survey about what codes would be available to you.

The tip is to realemten print the incoming code -and that, some read functions, for those keys that do not have a direct ASCII code, the S.O. provides a multi-byte code, and returns one byte at a time to your program.

Print the code on the screen is the best solution for you to try to isolate them:

static void keyEvent( unsigned char key, int x, int y) { 
    printf("Code: %02x\n", key);

Now, pay attention to another tip: It is useless to invest a lot of time in a super-interface for your program if it will only work in Windows CMD: most of these functions depend not only on the operating system and some will depend on the type of terminal.
If the program is realemten useful for renting thing: (1) power users are accustomed to terminal programs that work only "top to bottom"- preferably consuming command linah parameters, and with one or another occasional data entry; Users "no power" expect a graphical interface anyway.

Alias, if you want to have a legal interface,the tip is to make the program in another language - like Python, Java , Ruby and choose a library for graphical interfaces (or even make your program be web-based). Even if your program has parts that are best done in C (for example, a calculation sequence where it is better to have all the processor control), you can call isolated functions of C from the program done in these other languages.

  • Thank you very much for the answer and, mainly, for the tips.

  • 1

    So - I saw in your comment that you tried printf(key); - You’re really gonna suck it. C is a language that gives you all the control of the computer, but it’s all on your own - the functions have no polymorphism or "Duck Typing" which are mechanisms that allow them to accept different types of parameters. The first parameter for printf has to be a string, always. (And a character is a "scalar" data - whereas a string is always accessed as a memory address). The function called in C has no way of knowing if Voce pass the. wrong pair. (But it must have given Warning)

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