WCF + Web API - How to integrate?


Viewed 162 times


I am developing a web api and need to integrate with a third party service that is a WCF. I have the definition of WSDL, integrated in my Solution as a service Ference, but is pointing to a physical file on my PC.

How do I integrate this code, which is pointing to a local WSDL, with the service hosted in another environment? I have the service url (which does not have the WSDL enabled or public, because when I add the service Ference, I have an error stating that I could not download the service media), but I do not know how to integrate with WCF.

If it were a web api, I would use Httpclient to integrate, but WCF I have no idea how to do.

  • "is pointing to a physical file on my PC" How so? You did not put the service URL?

  • If the service is WCF, normally the suffix should be added ?wsdl to display only the WSDL. However, this is all reported at the service address.

  • With the service url, it is not possible to add the reference. It shows this error: There was an error downloading 'https://***.svc/RS/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/$metadata'.
The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: 'https://***.svc/RS'.
Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority '***'.
The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
If the service is defined in the current solution, try building the solution and adding the service reference again.

  • Directly accessing the service address (even with ?wsdl), this message appears: Metadata Publishing for this service is Currently disabled.

1 answer


from what I understand, you added wsdl for a correct local file ? I never did that, but when I need to change the Ws url, just set it there:

string url = "http://host.com.br/ws.asmx";
objws.Url = url;

where objws is an object of the reference type you added.

Ex: referência adicionada

[wsIntegra] is the web service namespace you defined when adding the reference. [Siintegrawebservice] is the webservice class defined on the server.

public wsIntegra.SiIntegraWebService objws = new wsIntegra.SiIntegraWebService();
  • Okay, but what is this object howitzers? For a Webapi service, I use Httpclient and I can communicate. For WCF, I have no idea how to do this.

  • edited the answer for better understanding, at the time you added wsdl, you gave a name to it, which is the namespace

  • I think I get it! I’m going to test it here. Thank you!

  • an observation, is that it is through this object (objws) that you will execute the methods available in Ws.

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