Problem namespace only works local


Viewed 161 times


I’m having the following mistake:

Fatal error: Class 'Kse\init\Bootstrap' not found in /home/dksec173/public_html/App/Route.php on line 8

In the development the namespace are working properly, however when going up to the server appears this error there, I tried to change the paths to see if it works but nothing done, my namespace is like this..


  • Your dev server is windows and the production server is linux?

  • 1

    At a glance:

  • dev is windows and production is.. Hostgator the production server..

  • If your production server is Linux, you have the path case problem. Look at the end of the link I sent you. Windows is case-insentive. Linux, on the other hand, does not. That is, the path must have the case (uppercase/lowercase characters) exactly the same as that defined in the classes and namespace.

  • So I use windows for production.. and the characters are exactly the same, I checked.. and in localhost it runs right only when I go up on the server that gives this problem...

  • the briefcase /home/ is common to linux (although not dominant). Post the other codes, the relevant parts where the code is being executed (and the error occurs) and the relevant part of the class you want to call.

  • Hostgator FAQ: All hosting accounts (P, M and G), reseller and VPS 1000-8000 come with: Operating system: Linux x86 Centos 6.x (64 bit) - free version of Redhat.

  • Ae brother, had a look at the page you passed, I understood how best it works.. and there really was a folder that is called Init and in the namespace was init, however I have another error here.. most array I have declared in the application I user enter [ ].. and none is being accepted, for which I must replace to work?

  • [] == array(). But it should not give this problem. Bracket syntax (short syntax array) entered version 5.4.

  • is not understood tbm, subistitui here by array(), but now he’s in index and everything turns white no error appears.. to lascado kkkk

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