List only files without folders in Python dirétorio


Viewed 762 times


I need to list files in a directory, but I need you to list only the files, without showing any folder if you have in that directory.

I used:

import os
print os.listdir('/')

1 answer


According to the answers of that question and of that other question, you can use commands like:


from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join

mypath = '/home/'

onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))]

Returns only the files in the folder mypath.


import glob
print glob.glob("/home/user/*.txt")

You can change *.txt for *.* to grab files with any type of extension. However, if your folder has a subfolder named pasta.pasta1, the command *.* return this subfolder as well...


import os
filenames = next(os.walk(path))[2]

Returns only the third parameter of the method walk, which in this case are the filenames

  • Thanks, it worked with walk

  • 1

    @Will If the answer was helpful you can mark it as correct using the V on its left side.

  • Done brother. Thank you

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