Pick all fields of a class using Lambda + Group By


Viewed 304 times


I have a list:

produtosCompletos = (from f in estoques
                     join p in produtos on f.idProduto equals p.id
                     join c in classes on f.idClasse equals c.id
                     select new produtoCompleto()
                         idUnidade = f.idUnidade,
                         descricao = p.descricao,
                         classe = c.descricao,
                         lote = f.lote,
                         dtValidade = f.dtValidade,
                         quant = f.quant

With this list, I want to add up the value of Uant grouped by Description. I am doing so:

        var result =
            (from p in produtosCompletos
            group p by p.descricao
            into g
            select new produtoCompleto()
                idUnidade = //não sei como mostrar aqui :/
                descricao = g.Key,
                quant = g.Sum(x => x.quant)

As you can see above, I can only catch the descricao and the quant, the other fields I don’t know how to catch

2 answers


To make a group by with several fields in the Lake, you need to declare all the desired fields in your group by, would be as follows:

 var result =
            (from p in produtosCompletos
            group p by new {p.descricao, p.idUnidade }
            into g
            select new produtoCompleto()
                idUnidade = g.Key.idUnidade 
                descricao = g.Key.descricao,
                quant = g.Sum(x => x.quant)

You can access your variables later through the Key


You need to take the first item from the group and get the id.

var result =
            (from p in produtosCompletos
             group p by p.descricao
            into g
             select new produtoCompleto()
                 idUnidade = g.First().idUnidade,
                 descricao = g.Key,
                 quant = g.Sum(x => x.quant)

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