Would it be interesting guidelines using http.get?


Viewed 49 times


This is a piece of html:

<tr ng-repeat="projeto in projetos">

It uses a controller that does the following function

.then(function (response){
        $scope.projetos = response.data.projects;

My question is the following, if it would be interesting to put this html as a directive and use the directive itself to perform the same function of the controller, to fill the array projects and display the html.

1 answer


It will depend on your context, but generally not, because every time the directive is rendered, it will execute the call $http. Often the information does not change constantly so that we need to constantly redo the call. But if you need to upgrade in a short time interval, still this is the work of a service, not of u controller, directive or component.

First, the ideal would be to use component instead of directive to follow the new Angular patterns (2, 3, 4...). Then, you must execute the calls $http and subsequently store the information in a service. Then on his component you just request the data to the service and display.

In this way, your component can easily have HTML internally.

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