Error to close form


Viewed 35 times


What could be happening, because when I order to close a form with Unload me, is giving the following error :

Unable to Unload Within this context

  • It is possible that the form is not loaded yet, you are running the "Unload" inside the "Load" event of the form?

  • Davidterra - In this part it is sure the form is loaded and for what I’ve been checking I ended up finding the link below but in my case I have nothing also related to resize, continue in the search. As below : Private Sub cmdExit_Click() On Error Goto Trycatherror Unload Me Exit Sub Trycatherror: Dim s_dsMsg As String ... End Sub link ===> aspx There is an Unload statement in the Resize Event of a Data, Form, Mdiform, or Picturebox control. Remove the Unload statement from the Event.

  • Please edit your question and put in it the code snippet with the form opening and also the point where the error is occurring.

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