I have the following code:
ul {
list-style: none;
list-style-position: outside;
padding-left: 0;
li {
margin-bottom: 20px;
li:before {
content: "\2192";
padding-right: 10px;
p {
display: inline;
<li><p>Item 1 alaksjd fçalksdj fçlaksjd fçlaksjd fçlkasdj flçkajsdlçkfjasldçkjflçaksd jfçlkasjd flçkajsdlkçf asd</p></li>
<li><p>Item 2 adflçaksd jglçakhsd flaksdh kjahsdf gjhdfjkh skjchvçz,xckhvj çzlxkcjv zçlxckjvlçz xckjvçzlxkcjv</p></li>
<li><p>Item 3 asdlçfkj asdlkfj çalsdjf</p></li>
The result obtained is this:
The desired result is this:
Note: The red line is only to mark the alignment and does not part of the desired result.
You can do this via CSS?
Thank you very much! Your answer helped me a lot, and I also managed to better understand how it works. I still don’t have a good relationship with CSS, rsrsrs... If you like challenges like this, here’s one more, haha... Greetings!
– Jedaias Rodrigues