Parameter ignored in EF 5.0 Connection Timeout


Viewed 102 times


My application is showing an error of TimeOut when I perform operations that require more processing time.

I’m using the EntityFramework 5.0 and set up the Connection Timeout=480 to do tests, but it seems to me that he is ignoring the parameter that sets the connection timeout.

Below is my connection string:

    <add name="TesteContext" 
         provider connection string=&quot;
         data source=;
         initial catalog=DBTeste_PRD;
         persist security info=True;
         user id=xyz;
         Connection Timeout=480;
         providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • If you could put the error image in your question?

  • Sorry I forgot what is the amount of change and put the code too, bad I forgot to report these points!

  • @Virgilionovic has over 100 operations within the method. It is within a "For" structure. It performs a series of records and gives the timeout. I didn’t understand what the need to post the code here, and it is not showing error in the operations, but in the execution time limit.

  • the code is of paramount importance, because it’s why the Timeout is taking place that you asked, how can I imagine what the code is doing if I don’t know how it was written, and if there is a better way to write better? What if there’s something going unnoticed? Is it all about a code that is not bringing the expected result and troubling an ORM transaction? , if you can post, you may have a solution or a new path. If you have 100 operations in one method, it is already reason to turn on the alert blink of any code ...

  • cont ... for example has an extension for Entity Framework for batch recording: Bulkinsert That might solve that part for you who knows! But, it gets hard without seeing the code. You have even an answer about this here or this

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