Adding up POSTGRESQL values


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I have a table historicos:

id | problemas | total | data
01 |    25     |  125  | 2017-01-01
03 |    25     |  125  | 2017-03-01
04 |    25     |  125  | 2017-04-01
08 |    25     |  125  | 2017-08-01
09 |    25     |  125  | 2017-09-01
10 |    25     |  125  | 2017-10-01
12 |    25     |  125  | 2017-12-01

I need to print even months with the sum of fields problemas and total, ie, for example, need to display the sum of month 1 with month 2, month 3 with month 4, month 5 with 6 and so on...

See the Fiddle example below:


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2 answers


I believe that one way to do this would be to have the number of the month in the table of histories, more as it does not have, so it would have to be by date of beginning and end:

case mes
 when 1 then (select sum(problemas), sum(total) from tbhistoricos where data between '2016-01-01' and '2016-02-28'  
end as 1Mes,
case mes
 when 2 then (select sum(problemas), sum(total) from tbhistoricos where data between '2016-03-01' and '2016-02-28'  
end as 2Mes
from tbhistoricos
  • It really works, but not with two values within the subquery, now I’m using the same logic to do with the other value, one with problemas and another with total


If you are using postgres version 9.4 or higher, you can use the FILTER clause, which uses less code than CASE and follows the SQL standard 2003.

Below is an example:

  sum(problemas) filter (where data between '2017-01-01' and '2017-02-28') as problemas_mes_1,
  sum(total) filter (where data between '2017-01-01' and '2017-02-28') as total_mes_1,
  sum(problemas) filter (where data between '2017-03-01' and '2017-04-30') as problemas_mes_2,
  sum(total) filter (where data between '2017-03-01' and '2017-04-30') as total_mes_2
from historicos;


  • Thanks for the reply Camilo, but I tried here and it didn’t work, from the syntax error when opening the ( after the FILTER

  • Maybe it is the version of your postgres, I performed the test on a basis running version 9.6. The FILTER has been implemented since version 9.4.

  • I thought it might be, too, but I looked here and I’m with 9.5.6 :/

  • Worst q in sqlfiddle the version is 9.3, It was bad for me to send you the same data I used in my test :/

  • Yeah, I thought the same thing yesterday :| !

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