I formatted my pc and installed android Studio and have on a drive specifies the folder of androidSdk separate. When updating Sdk, the following error occurs:
An error occurred while Preparing SDK package Android Wear ARM EABI v7a System Image: C: Users Notes Appdata Local Temp Packageoperation03 armeabi-v7a-25_r03.zip (The system cannot find the specified path).
How do I change this path, C: Users Notes, for that "Notes" was the old user name(formatted).
Felipe, could you let me know if you changed the path of SDK referenced in Android Studio?
– Tássio Auad
Yes. Like, when I do 'open an existing android studio project', it appears following message: 'The path ’D: android-sdk' does not Belong to a directory. Android Studio will use this Android SDK Instead: 'F: android-sdk' and will Modify the project’s local.properties file. But then it goes on and on. Only when I try to update the Sdk.
– Felipe Jardim