Insert with two different selects


Viewed 763 times


That one of mine insert is not working.

insert into t_cmo_oit1980 (id_oit, id_exm_rea) 
    select max(id_oit) + 1 from t_cmo_oit1980,
    select id_exm_rea from t_cmo_Exame_Realizado where id_exm = 3936 and id_xfc = 39517;

I made a Gambi and generated in hand the value of the first field and even then it didn’t work. I did so:

insert into t_cmo_oit1980 (id_oit, id_exm_rea) 
    select id_exm_rea from t_cmo_Exame_Realizado where id_exm = 3936 and id_xfc = 39517;
  • Just one question, I don’t know if I’m going outside the scope, I don’t think so, but when I’m going to enter a date, it gives me this mistake. Mensagem 8152, Nível 16, Estado 14, Linha 19
String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.

1 answer


Lacked transform their sub-select in a select valid for the clause Values:

insert into t_cmo_oit1980 (id_oit, id_exm_rea) 
      (select max(id_oit) + 1 from t_cmo_oit1980),
      (select id_exm_rea from t_cmo_Exame_Realizado where id_exm = 3936 and id_xfc = 39517);

Adding lines using INSERT and SELECT

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