There is something similar to scope_identity()
to return the ids
created by giving a insert
on the basis of a select
? (insert
of more than one line simultaneously).
OBS: scope_identity()
only one of the ids
There is something similar to scope_identity()
to return the ids
created by giving a insert
on the basis of a select
? (insert
of more than one line simultaneously).
OBS: scope_identity()
only one of the ids
Filipe, you can use the clause OUTPUT to write to a table variable (or even another table) the values generated during inclusion (instruction INSERT).
Following is model, assuming that the table Register contains the columns ID, Name and Address, and ID has the property IDENTITY.
-- código #1 v2
declare @tbID table (IDnovo int);
INSERT into Cadastro (Nome, Endereço)
OUTPUT inserted.ID into @tbID
VALUES ('João da Silva', 'R. Paracuri, 18'),
('Maria da Silva', 'Av. Praia, 2965');
-- lista de novos valores
from @tbID;
Be aware that if there is procedure Trigger associated with the table, of type INSTEAD OF INSERT, this can affect the result if it is not correctly built.
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Thanks!!!! Perfect!
– Mr. Mister