Android Retrofit 2 Simple XML Converter Response


Viewed 198 times


I am using Retrofit 2.2.0 and Retrofit Simplexml Converter 2.2.0. I added the simplexmlconverter at the time of the retrofit with the addConverterFactory method.

The problem is that when I get the response from the server, the following error happens

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.simpleframework.xml.core.ElementException: Element 'Body' does not have a match in class ResponseEnvelope at line 1

I’m getting a response from the XML server as follows:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns:autenticarUsuarioPorEmailResponse xmlns:ns="">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax2471:AutenticaUsuarioPorEmailSaida" xmlns:ax2471="" xmlns:ax2469="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ax2467="">

@Root(name = "soapenv:Envelope")
@Namespace(prefix = "soapenv", reference = "")
public class ResponseEnvelope {

    @Element(name = "soapenv:Body", required = false)
    private ResponseBody body;

    public ResponseBody getBody() {
        return body;

    public void setBody(ResponseBody body) {
        this.body = body;

@Root(name = "soapenv:Body", strict = false)
public class ResponseBody {

    @Element(name = "ns:cadastrarCredencialEmailResponse", required = false)
    private ResponseData requestData;

    public ResponseData getRequestData() {
        return requestData;

    public void setRequestData(ResponseData requestData) {
        this.requestData = requestData;


@Root(name = "ns:cadastrarCredencialEmailResponse", strict = false)
@Namespace(prefix = "ns", reference = "")
public class ResponseData {

    @Element(name = "ns:return", required = false)
    private ResponseInfo info;

    public ResponseInfo getInfo() {
        return info;

    public void setInfo(ResponseInfo info) { = info;

@Root(name = "ns:return", strict = false)
        @Namespace(prefix = "ax2471", reference = ""),
        @Namespace(prefix = "ax2469", reference = ""),
        @Namespace(prefix = "xsi", reference = ""),
        @Namespace(prefix = "ax2467", reference = "")
public class ResponseInfo {

    @Element(name = "ax2471:codigoAtivacao", required = false)
    private String codigoAtivacao;
    @Element(name = "ax2471:idCredencial", required = false)
    private String idCredencial;

    public String getCodigoAtivacao() {
        return codigoAtivacao;

    public void setCodigoAtivacao(String codigoAtivacao) {
        this.codigoAtivacao = codigoAtivacao;

    public String getIdCredencial() {
        return idCredencial;

    public void setIdCredencial(String idCredencial) {
        this.idCredencial = idCredencial;

I think the problem is in the Responseinfo class, because I don’t know how to add the attribute xsi:type and I think this is causing the problem.

If anyone can help, I’d appreciate it.

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