Problem getting date from screen


Viewed 53 times


I have a small error when picking a jtextfield date, error occurs:

String cannot be converted to date

Follows my code:

public TelaControle getVendaFromTela() throws ParseException {

    Venda vDaTela = new Venda();


    return vDaTela;
  • What is this variable question? Where does this getDataAtualDate come from()?

  • If inpData is Jtextfield, how can it have the field "sdf": "inpData.sdf"?

  • Inpdata is the Jtextfield component that the user inserts the date.

  • What getDataAtualDate() does there?

  • In theory getDataAtualDate() is to pick up the current date

  • you have to do "inpData.gettext()" to take the date entered by the user as String, and then process it (validate and format it), then put it in vDaTela.

  • I don’t understand anything, why are you taking the current date from somewhere else, and ,mixing it with a supposed date typed by the user and applying it to a model? Edit the question and explain better what you intend to do, or what this code was supposed to do.

  • I just edited the question. I expressed myself badly when trying to explain

  • is getData or setData?

  • the problem is in getData

  • @diegofm He just wants to convert a String as "04/20/2016" to a corresponding Date Object, not Eduardo?

  • correct Douglas

  • But there’s nothing getdata in that code.

  • I edited the question. I think it’s now clearer...

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1 answer


If the problem is converting data into string for Date type, the initial code was going the right way:

public TelaControle getVendaFromTela() throws ParseException {
    Date date = new Date();
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");

    Venda vDaTela = new Venda();


    return vDaTela;

Only to convert string to Date the correct method is parse, the format does the opposite.

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