Error in offline mode


Viewed 32 times


I am getting this error every time I try to open a file:

Error:Could not determine artifacts for No cached version available for offline mode

I have enabled and disabled the offline work, within Gradle in Settings, however, to no avail.
Could someone give me a light? Preferably with a path, or even a print, because as I said, I’m a beginner.

  • What you did is the same as this reply?

  • Hello Ismael! Yes, it is similar, however, I can not find where to download the new version. I’ve even uninstalled all of Andorid Studio, including manually uninstalled the Gradle Origen folder and the entire SDK, and reinstalled it all again, without success.

1 answer


Using the Android studio:

File -> Other Settings -> Default Settings -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle

Uncheck the Offline work option and delete again.

I hope I’ve helped

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