Uploading multiple images in the same db column starts with comma


Viewed 24 times


The db record is starting with a comma.

The code begins with:

$imagens_nome ="";
foreach($_FILES as $file)....

Upload and create thumbnail... Generates a new name : $Novonome

and then before recording on db:

 $imagens_nome = $imagens_nome.",".$NovoNome;

However I think the above $imagens_name... is wrong, because in db it looks like this: column photos: ,7263273813.jpg,737862834.jpg,236276322.jpg

  • It seems there’s a replace that trades dots for commas.

  • the code $imagens_nome = $imagens_nome.",".$NovoNome; appears to be correct. After all, the names are being concatenated. You can’t see in the above code, as is done the $NovoNome that is who is apparently generating the error. Show more code so we can help.

1 answer


From what I understand the only problem is that you’re going with an extra comma because of your concatenation shape, right? One way to solve this is to make a new string starting from the second character, because the first one is always a comma, this before writing to the bd. Thus:

$imagens_nome = ",7263273813.jpg,737862834.jpg,236276322.jpg";

I hope I’ve helped, any questions, just comment...

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