Why did I open a bunch of windows when I used Internet?


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I have a ActivityA, contains a ListView and a botão, and I have a ActivityB containing two EditText and a button.

When do I start app begins in the ActivityA with empty list, when pressing the button executes the following code

 Intent it = new Intent(this, ActivityB.class);

Now I’m in the ActivityB fill in the EditTex and press the button that executes the following code

   String texto = editTexto.getText().toString();
   double numero = Double.parseDouble(editnumero.getText().toString());

        Intent it = new Intent(this, ActivityA.class);
        it.putExtra("texto", texto);
        it.putExtra("numero", numero);

So am I in the ActivityA, within the onCreate follows the code

     Intent it  = getIntent();
     texto = it.getStringExtra("texto");
     numero = it.getDoubleExtra("numero", -1);

        if(texto != null)
     //List<Carro> carro = new ArrayLis<Carro>(); variável global
        carro.add( new Desejo(texto,numero));
        carroAdapter  = new ArrayAdapter<Carro>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,carro );

Okay, it works, but when I click the button again I go to ActivityB, I type the values and I click the button, I go to ActivityA. what had been added earlier was gone and the last data was triggered in the list. But I noticed he opened another window.

How to solve this window problem and whether the value was added to the list even if it opened in another window was to have the full list?

  • In the way it is formulated, the question is duplicated. However, given what you want to do better would be to use startActivityForResult() to launch Activity B. See this reply and in the documentation How to get results from an activity

  • @ramaral when you write Launch Activity B, you mean go A to B, or B to A

  • Go from A to B.

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