I need to remove the accents and replace the symbol & of that string: "Industry and Trade of manufactured products & aggregates, wells, manufactured and 1º ...", but it doesn’t work properly the way I did:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string _textoNAOFormatado = @"Indústria e Comércio de produtos manufaturados & Agregados, poços, fabricados e 1º ...";
string _pattern = @"(?i)[^0-9a-záéíóúàèìòùâêîôûãõç\s]";
Regex _rgx = new Regex(_pattern);
string _textoFormatado = _rgx.Replace(_textoNAOFormatado, "");
Console.WriteLine("{0}", _textoFormatado);
Based on that post Regex - Special Character Removal C#, but it doesn’t work, the accents persist and I couldn’t get the &, the return is this:
"Industry and Trade of manufactured products Aggregated wells manufactured and 1 ", need it so: "INDUSTRIA AND WITHAndTRADE IN MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS And PO aggregatesCTHOSE MANUFACTURED AND 1"
It is not duplicated, because the difference between the posts is that this question is how to do with regex.
– hard123
It should not be closed. Clearly a different question
– Paz