Dropdownlist quantity Items


Viewed 700 times


Good morning, I’m using dropdownlist in the asp.net to load some data coming from the database, however I do not know the amount that will be shown, because it depends on the fill in the database.

I would like to show only a certain amount of items.

For example, if you have 29 records, I want to show only the first 5 and after that show scrollbar, always with 5 records.

But any way I try I can’t, there is some way to limit the amount of dropdownlist which is completed by the database?


 <asp:DropDownList ID="cbfuncionario" runat="server" style = "overflow-y: scroll"></asp:DropDownList>

and here I load the dropdownlist:

  public void CarregaFuncionario()
            SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand();
            comando.Connection = clsdb.AbreBanco();
            comando.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            comando.CommandText = "select pessoa.id,nome FROM [pessoa] inner join classificacoes on classificacoes.id = pessoa.classificacao_id where estado <> 'Inativo' and estado <> 'Excluido' and classificacoes.tipo = '1' order by pessoa.nome ASC";

            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
            da.SelectCommand = comando;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            cbfuncionario.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
            cbfuncionario.DataTextField = "nome";
            cbfuncionario.DataValueField = "id";

  • You can put the code?

  • I changed the question including the code. Thank you.

2 answers


Using position:Absolute; and this.size, it is possible to choose the amount of items(10 in the example)

<asp:DropDownList ID="cbfuncionario" onclick="this.size=1;" onMouseOver="this.size=10;" onMouseOut="this.size=1;" runat="server" style = "position:absolute;"></asp:DropDownList>


  • Also not Leo, it gets the normal size, and does not open in quantity, you go straight down in one line, does not expand.

  • Leo, it actually did work, because there was a css behind it, and I pulled it out, and it worked perfectly, thank you very much!


I think this will solve your problem, if you want to show more items change the height of your item HEIGHT

<style type="text/css">
   overflow: auto;
   width: 70px; 
   height: 80px; /
   border: 1px silver solid;
 .scrollable select{
   border: none;

And your HTML code looks like this

<div class="scrollable">
 <asp:DropDownList ID="cbfuncionario" runat="server" style = "overflow-y: scroll"></asp:DropDownList>
  • I tried this way, but still showing the number of items on the page, not changed to show only a few items, changed only the design of the dropdown, but when opening to show, still showing all at once.

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