View the json file in HTML with jquery or javascript only


Viewed 371 times


Hi, I’m having a hard time solving my problem. It is as follows: i have an HTML page and a file . json i need to bring this json file in my html page using jquery or javascript I really wanted to ask you to pass me examples of how I do this process step by step and if possible considering that json with array and without array. I searched a lot on the internet but none managed to solve my problem, I’m having difficulties also with articles in English.


[{"id": 1, "tipo": "tv", "nome": "Fácil", "descricao": "Lorem ipsum ", "exibir": 1, "ordem": 1, "adesao": 100, "taxaInstalacao": 5, "canais": 7, "listaCanais": [ { "categoria": "Abertos", "descricao": "Canal aberto de variedades abrangente voltado para toda \u00e0 fam\u00edlia.", "id": 465, "imagem": "";, "nome": "Record"}, "preco":9, "preco2:30},]
  • EXAMPLE OF JSON: [{"id": 1, "type": "tv", "name": "Easy", "Description": "Lorem ipsum", "display": 1, "order": 1, "adhesion": 100, "taxaInstalacao": 5, "channels": 7, "listCanais": [ { "category": "Open", "Description": "Wide-ranging open channel aimed at all u00e0 fam u00edlia." , "id": 465, "image": "", "name": "Record"}, "price":9, "price 2:30},]

  • Pass values from a JSON to html via Jquery

  • Your json has tmb error: "imagem": "";, that ; has to erase and: "preco2:30 you have to close the double quotes : "preco2":30

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