Push notifications


Viewed 664 times


I am developing a program in which several users will use, and would like to develop a system with notification Push, for when some user performs a Insert in the database.

I would like it to be, for example, a pop-up of MSN..

Could someone give me a light and tell me where to start? I’ve been doing some research, found a lot about Web, but not specifically for Windows Forms(WFA).

  • Review 11/04/2017

How would you make it when a user finishes a change, another user receives the notification?

There would have to be a serviço running on the server?

In Internet research, I noticed, that the SQL Server, has some resources:

  1. Sqldependency;
  2. Query Notification.

Has anyone ever tried or ever used? Is this a resource for such a purpose?

1 answer


I use in my system the component Balloon devcomponents


to set the display location i Seto the following balloon configuration

b.DesktopLocation = new Point(SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Width - b.Width, SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Height - b.Height);

But you can also choose to develop your own 'Information Balloon' by creating a form with parameters for the desired image and text setting its location in the same way as the above example

new Point(SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Width - b.Width, SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Height - b.Height);

If you choose to use the Balloon follow the settings to be set in the code for it to be displayed as in the image

balloonTipFocus.Enabled = true;

            Balloon b = new Balloon();

            //     DevComponents.DotNetBar.Balloon b = new DevComponents.DotNetBar.Balloon();
            b.AlertAnimation = eAlertAnimation.BottomToTop;
            b.Style = eBallonStyle.Office2007Alert;
            b.CaptionImage = IMAGEM;//Imagem exibida no balão
            b.CaptionText = "Texto Titulo";
            b.Text = "Texto corpo da mensagem";
            b.AutoResize();//Auto Ajusta tamanho do Balão ao Texto
            b.AutoClose = true;
            b.AutoCloseTimeOut = 5;//Tempo para o componente fechar automaticamente
            b.Owner = this;
            b.AntiAlias = true;
            b.AlertAnimationDuration = 200;
            b.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right);
            b.DesktopLocation = new Point(SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Width - b.Width, SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Height - b.Height);

  • friend, perfect, thanks for the reply, but, how would you do for when a user save some change, another user receive the notification? would have to have a service running on the server?

  • @Thomaserichpimentel I believe that it would be necessary a service for such, if there is another unknown way (since I never used such function) but I do not know what would be the best way to implement this without losing so much performance

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