Group Mysql output in PHP


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I have two tables in my database cad_usuario and the cad_automovel. The User registered in the first table may have several vehicles registered in the second table.

SELECT aut.usuario_id, aut.marca, aut.modelo, aut.ano,, usr.nome_completo, usr.rg FROM cad_automovel as aut INNER JOIN cad_usuario as usr on = aut.usuario_id

The problem is that when showing the result in PHP, it shows two lines to the same user

id_usuario: 1
nome_completo: John Doe
rg: 000.000.000
aut.usuario_id: 1
aut.marca: marca1
aut.modelo: modelo1
aut.ano: 2017
id_usuario: 1
nome_completo: John Doe
rg: 000.000.000
aut.usuario_id: 1
aut.marca: marca22
aut.modelo: modelo22
aut.ano: 2007

I need it to look something like this:

    id_usuario: 1
    nome_completo: John Doe
    rg: 000.000.000
    aut.usuario_id: 1
    aut.marca: marca1, marca22
    aut.modelo: modelo1, marca22
    aut.ano: 2017, 2007

1 answer


To group multiple lines separating by comma, you can use the GROUP_CONCAT

   GROUP_CONCAT( aut.marca ),
   GROUP_CONCAT( aut.modelo ),
   GROUP_CONCAT( aut.ano ),
   cad_automovel AS aut
   LEFT JOIN cad_usuario as usr
      ON = aut.usuario_id

See working on SQL Fiddle.


  • The GROUP_CONCAT has a limit defined by group_concat_max_len. Strings longer length are truncated. This value is usually 8192 (bytes). If you need more, you need to adjust the configuration;

  • Mysql does not accept space between the function name and the argument list. Correct is GROUP_CONCAT( campo ), and not GROUP_CONCAT ( campo );

  • Within the function call can be used operators DISTINCT and ASC or DESC to organize the results. See more details in the manual.


  • group_concat does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference Manual

  • @Lucasolivier added an SQL Fiddle demonstrating the correct functioning of query. The function GROUP_CONCAT is present in all versions currently maintained for Mysql (5.5 and above). You may have some syntax error just before the function (or be using another database that does not match the one you were asked).

  • really had syntax error. I was able to group the values in the SQL. Now I’ll try to show in PHP, excellent reply! Thank you.

  • Lucasolivier was going to comment now, may have been given a space before the (as the colleague @Jeferson mentioned in the network chat. has to be GROUP_CONCAT( glued

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