Return xml to preview browser mvc


Viewed 690 times


I have the following situation, I need to provide an XML file to be viewable in the browser, without the user needing to download the file, I do this by saving the file in a directory and then I send the directory of this file and the browser opens as the example below:

public string getXml(int entradaId)
        var entrada = ctx.Entradas.Find(entradaId);
        string xml = entrada.Xml;

        var uploadPath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/Uploads");
        string caminhoArquivo = Path.Combine(@uploadPath, entrada.ChaveNota + "-nfe.xml");

        StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(caminhoArquivo);

        return "/Content/Uploads/" + entrada.ChaveNota + "-nfe.xml";
    catch (Exception)
        return "Xml Sem Entrada";

This works, but I believe it is not the right one. Because I end up not deleting the file and this will fill the folder with a while.

I need some way to return this XML for the Browser to open as a file and make the view available as an example.

But without me having to save the physical file.

  • entrada.Xml is a string?

  • @jbueno yes, It would be an XML saved in Sqlserver that returns me as a string.

  • Ready then =D

2 answers


You can create a Custom Actionresult for that reason.

An example would be:

We’ll call in our Custom ActionResult of XmlActionResult.

public sealed class XmlActionResult : ActionResult
    private readonly XDocument _document;

    public Formatting Formatting { get; set; }
    public string MimeType { get; set; }

    public XmlActionResult(XDocument document)
        if (document == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("document");

        _document = document;

        // Default values
        MimeType = "text/xml";
        Formatting = Formatting.None;

    public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
        context.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = MimeType;

        using (var writer = new XmlTextWriter(context.HttpContext.Response.OutputStream, Encoding.UTF8) { Formatting = Formatting })

And in his controller, just do it this way:

public ActionResult Index()
    var xml = new XDocument(
            new XElement("root",
                new XAttribute("version", "2.0"),
                new XElement("child", "Hello World!")));

    return new XmlActionResult(xml);

Should your XML be a string, just convert before return, as the example below:

public ActionResult Index()
    String xml ="<Root>Root</Root>";

    return new XmlActionResult(XDocument.Parse(xml));

Remembering that you can also change the XmlActionResult to do the parse, if you wish.

If you want to see other ways, see these questions:

  • I thought dahora the answer. But I think it would be problematic for him to have to create an Xdocument since the string already exists. Anyway, it is mine +1 because it is very useful.

  • @jbueno Well remembered, I had not attacked this detail. Edited the answer.

  • @jbueno You can do it in a row. It doesn’t have to be with XDocument.


Really save XML just to show in the browser is not a good idea.

It is possible to simply return Content passing as first parameter to string XML.

public ActionResult GetXml(int entradaId)
    var entrada = ctx.Entradas.Find(entradaId);    
    return Content(entrada.Xml, "text/xml");
  • Exactly what I needed, In my case I called via ajax to open in new tab, but I adapted the method and met me perfectly. Thank you

  • This approach is not good. There is no syntax and/or format check. XML may be malformed.

  • @The structure of XML is conferred at another stage of the process, even before being saved in BD it is validated so in return it always comes back correctly

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