Repulsion method based on Helbing model


Viewed 69 times


I’m developing a crowd simulator following Helbing’s Social Forces model, only I’m having a problem at the moment of the collision between agents.

When the collision occurs the repulsion method is called to calculate the new position for agent A and agent B, only when calculating the new position it is giving a very misplaced position from the position where the collision occurred or whether my agents are giving back jumps, sides and etc.

The algorithm should work equal fluid that video or that.

Follow my code of repulsion:

    private double SIGMA = 0.3f; //a distância no qual o efeito territorial será válido
    private double VELOCIDADE_MAX = 1.34f;
    private double LAMBDA = 0.2f;
    private double FORCACORPO = 3f; //12
    private double FORCAFRICCAO = 3f;
    private double LIMITE = 2.0f;
    private double R = 0.2f;
    private double T = 0.5f;
    private double EPSILON = 0.55f;
    private double intensidadeInteracao = 2.5;  

public void RepulsiveEffect(Humano a, Humano b, int k) {
        Point2D vDistancia = new Point2D(a.getCx() - b.getCx(), a.getCy() - b.getCy());

        //Distancia dos pedestres entre seus centros de massa
        //Distance of pedestrians between their centers of mass
        double distanciaAB = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(vDistancia.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(vDistancia.getY(), 2));

        //Normalizacao do vetor
        //Vector normalization
        Point2D vNormalizado = new Point2D(vDistancia.getX() / distanciaAB, vDistancia.getY() / distanciaAB);
        double rab = a.getRaio() + b.getRaio();
        double forcaRepulsiva = intensidadeInteracao * (Math.pow(Math.E, (rab - distanciaAB)) / SIGMA);
        double anisA = 1.0f;
        double anisB = 1.0f;

        //Fatores de Direcao de a
        //Direction Factors of a
        Point2D direcaoADestino = new Point2D(a.getDestino().getX() - a.getCx(), a.getDestino().getY() - a.getCy());
        double distanciaADestino = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(direcaoADestino.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(direcaoADestino.getY(), 2));
        double cosa = (-direcaoADestino.getX() * vDistancia.getX() - direcaoADestino.getY() * vDistancia.getY()) / (distanciaADestino * distanciaAB);
        anisA = LAMBDA + (1 - LAMBDA) * (1 + cosa) * 0.5;

        //Fatores de Direcao de b
        //Direction Factors of b
        Point2D direcaoBDestino = new Point2D(b.getDestino().getX() - b.getCx(), b.getDestino().getY() - b.getCy());
        double distanciaBDestino = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(direcaoBDestino.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(direcaoBDestino.getY(), 2));
        double cosb = (-direcaoBDestino.getX() * vDistancia.getX() + direcaoBDestino.getY() * vDistancia.getY()) / (distanciaBDestino * distanciaAB);
        anisB = LAMBDA + (1 - LAMBDA) * (1 + cosb) * 0.5;

        //Atualizacao da Velocidade de a
        //Speed update of a
        double nxa = atual.get(a.getID()).getX() + (forcaRepulsiva * vNormalizado.getX()) * anisA;
        double nya = atual.get(a.getID()).getY() + (forcaRepulsiva * vNormalizado.getY()) * anisA;
        atual.set(a.getID(), new Point2D(nxa, nya));

        //Atualizacao da Velocidade de B (subtracao pois vetor normal é oposto)
        //Speed update of B (Subtraction since normal vector is opposite)
        double nxb = atual.get(b.getID()).getX() - (forcaRepulsiva * vNormalizado.getX()) * anisB;
        double nyb = atual.get(b.getID()).getY() - (forcaRepulsiva * vNormalizado.getY()) * anisB;
        atual.set(b.getID(), new Point2D(nxb, nyb));

        if (k == 1) {
            //Forca corpo
            //Force body
            double k1 = FORCACORPO * (rab - distanciaAB);
            nxa = atual.get(a.getID()).getX();
            nya = atual.get(a.getID()).getY();

            nxa += k1 * vNormalizado.getX();
            nya += k1 * vNormalizado.getY();

            atual.set(a.getID(), new Point2D(nxa, nya));

            nxb = atual.get(b.getID()).getX();
            nyb = atual.get(b.getID()).getY();
            nxb -= k1 * vNormalizado.getX();
            nyb -= k1 * vNormalizado.getY();

            atual.set(b.getID(), new Point2D(nxb, nyb));

            //Forca friccao de a
            //Force friction of a
            double kba = 1.0f;
            Point2D tab = new Point2D(-vNormalizado.getX(), vNormalizado.getY());
            Point2D vba = new Point2D(b.getVetorVelocidade().getX() - a.getVetorVelocidade().getX(), b.getVetorVelocidade().getY() - a.getVetorVelocidade().getY());
            double vbaf = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(vba.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(vba.getY(), 2));

            kba = FORCAFRICCAO * (rab - distanciaAB) * vbaf;
            kba = FORCAFRICCAO * (rab - distanciaAB) * (a.getVetorVelocidade().getX() * tab.getX() + a.getVetorVelocidade().getY() * tab.getY());

            nxa = atual.get(a.getID()).getX();
            nya = atual.get(a.getID()).getY();

            nxa += kba * tab.getX();
            nya += kba * tab.getY();
            atual.set(a.getID(), new Point2D(nxa, nya));

            //Forca fricção de b
            //Force friction of a
            double kab = 1.0f;
            Point2D tba = new Point2D(vNormalizado.getX(), -vNormalizado.getY());
            Point2D vab = new Point2D(a.getVetorVelocidade().getX() - b.getVetorVelocidade().getX(), a.getVetorVelocidade().getY() - b.getVetorVelocidade().getY());
            double vabf = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(vab.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(vab.getY(), 2));

            kab = FORCAFRICCAO * (rab - distanciaAB) * vabf;
            kab = FORCAFRICCAO * (rab - distanciaAB) * (b.getVetorVelocidade().getX() * tab.getX() + b.getVetorVelocidade().getY() * tab.getY());

            nxb = atual.get(b.getID()).getX();
            nyb = atual.get(b.getID()).getY();

            nxb += kab * tba.getX();
            nyb += kab * tba.getY();
            atual.set(b.getID(), new Point2D(nxb, nyb));
  • 2

    First thing, what’s the language? Using a lot of different language tags will not make you get a faster response, quite the contrary will only confuse who wants to help you. According to: Put the code here and not in external sources (it is possible to use the shortcut Ctrl + K to format the code), better yet, put only one [mcve] here.

  • Okay, thanks for the feedback Jbueno, I’m new to stackoverflow, never posted anything.

  • Yes, I saw that you are new, so the tips.

  • @Alissonpereira you could post the rest of the code as, for example, the Human classes, the variable intensityInteration, etc.?

  • @hlucasfranca yes I can yes.

  • The following is an article with formulations of the model of Helbing: - Page 21, and also the human class:

  • @Alissonpereira even with the code of the Human class, the code does not compile, for lack of other dependencies. Try posting the code here on stackoverflow or create a repository on github, if possible

  • @hlucasfranca I find it easier to send by Inbox as it is a course completion work.

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