Application template for . net standard library


Viewed 86 times


In Visual Studio, I know I can create a UWP - Universal Windows Platform application template, where the wizard defaults to the . net core in the project, among them . net standard. net framework supports . net standard 1.3, so UWP applications run on . net framework. But besides UWP (or a console model for .net core applications) there is no option to create any other model. How can I create an application with Graphical User Interface that runs on Linux, macOS and Windows (through the standard . net)?

  • Unable "Application with Graphical Interface (native)" .netcore .net standard. Web applications believe it is possible.

  • Yes. Sure. But, what if I want to implement an application with GTK# along with . net standard library? is not possible?

  • Good question, as far as I know is not possible, I will inform myself on the subject.

1 answer


After much research, I conclude that the .Net Standard Library facilitates the construction of multiplatform desktop-mobile, mobile-mobile, and poly-platform web applications, having as its only model the Windows Universal Platform. To .Net Standard Library is a subset Apis standard that must be present in all versions of the existing or to be implemented. Net.

So, if you want to build a cross-platform desktop application with graphical interface I should use Base Class Library - BCL’s. Net Framework which is also implemented by the Mono Project and, by option, GTK#.

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