How to make a vertically zebrad table (switch column colors)?


Viewed 3,746 times


I know how to make a table horizontally zebrad, ie, each row with alternating colors (the famous color yes and color no).

I wanted to know now how I could by css switch the colors of the columns: the first column of one color and the second of another, both 'td' and 'th'.

You can do this in CSS?

  • <+><><+> . <><+><> . <+><><+> ??

  • Yes @Dilson, color yes, color no, color yes, color no

  • But instead of doing it in the rows, I need to do it in the columns.

  • I actually wrote it in column format, but it appeared online.

2 answers


So? Using the selector nth-child. In this way, I believe that you do not need great explanations, if that is what you really want:

	td:nth-child(odd) {
	td:nth-child(even) {
	<table width="200" border="1">




  • 1

    That’s what I was looking for.


You can do it using combinations:

table tr td {
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
  border: solid #000 1px;

table tr:nth-child(odd) td:nth-child(even) {
  background: #000;
table tr:nth-child(even) td:nth-child(odd) {
  background: #000;

CSS Chessboard

  • Ah, that way it looked like a chessboard, it’s cool, but the question was intended to do something like it was done in the other answer.

  • @Wallacemaxters is what I exemplified in the comments.

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