Ionic 2 Error when generating build for android in windows 10


Viewed 109 times


$ ionic build android
> ionic-hello-world@ ionic:build C:\Users\Gustavo\Documents\Ionic2\like_you
> ionic-app-scripts build

[20:16:23]  ionic-app-scripts 1.3.0
[20:16:23]  build dev started ...
[20:16:23]  clean started ...
[20:16:23]  clean finished in less than 1 ms
[20:16:23]  copy started ...
[20:16:23]  transpile started ...
[20:16:27]  transpile finished in 3.64 s
[20:16:27]  preprocess started ...
[20:16:27]  deeplinks started ...
[20:16:27]  deeplinks finished in 31 ms
[20:16:27]  preprocess finished in 31 ms
[20:16:27]  webpack started ...
[20:16:27]  copy finished in 3.98 s
[20:16:36]  webpack finished in 9.48 s
[20:16:36]  sass started ...
[20:16:38]  sass finished in 1.09 s
[20:16:38]  postprocess started ...
[20:16:38]  postprocess finished in 62 ms
[20:16:38]  lint started ...
[20:16:38]  build dev finished in 14.36 s
[20:16:40]  lint finished in 2.30 s

JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_111

Error: Could not find gradle wrapper within Android SDK. Might need to update your Android SDK.
Looked here: C:\Users\Gustavo\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\templates\gradle\wrapper
bash: $: command not found

I installed the normal android studio and only that it talks to update the SDK but android studio says it is already updated and the folder templates gradpe wrapper does not exist.

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