Calculate values within all inputs with class='Quant'


Viewed 611 times


I have a function that inserts inputs dynamically in a div enabling the creation of a shopping list, tasks, or what the imagination allows, this also has a button that removes the item you no longer want, type a TODO, I would like that when running the COUNT function it not only counts the inputs but also calculates how many numbers there are in all inputs, example, has 4 inputs so it will calculate 4 inputs and also sum the value within all 4, I already know how to count, I just don’t know how to add.

The input input code is this

function new_input() {
        + '<input class="cod" placeholder="Código" />'
        + '<input class="desc" placeholder="Descrição" />'
        + '<input class="quant" placeholder="Quantidade" />'
        + '<input class="val" placeholder="Valor" />'
/* este span serve para apagar um item */
        + '<span class="remove cursor_pointer display_none">+</span>'
    + '</x>').prependTo(scnDiv);
/* este trecho abaixo irá contar um novo input */
    contar_mais('itens_total'); } });

For everything to work perfectly, new_input has to be executed inside this function:

function prep_new_input() {
    new_input(); }

the function that counts the inputs is this section below

function contar(i) {
    return document.getElementById(i); }
function contar_menos(i) {
    var quantidade = parseInt(contar(i).value);
    if(quantidade > 0)
    contar(i).value = quantidade - 1; } 
function contar_mais(i) {
    contar(i).value = parseInt(contar(i).value) + 1; }

the function that removes an item from the list is the excerpt below

$('span.remove').live('click', function() {
    if(rscnDiv > 1) {
        contar_menos('itens_total'); } });


For everything to work, you need to be in it

$(Document). ready(Function() { var scnDiv = $('div.items'); var rscnDiv = $('div.items x'). size() + 1; new_input();


Divs that handle inputs and show how many inputs they have are as below

<div class='itens'></div>
<input id='itens_total' class='itens_total' value='0' readonly='readonly' />

I wish I could count the amount of input as it already does and also add the values within all inputs in a total quantity div next to the total items, only this is enough, but if break can make it work without only ID with class, Valew, already, grateful

3 answers


You can do the math with jQuery itself.

When you use $('.itens_total') you will be paying for all items that possess the class .itens_total That is, all your inputs according to your code. The estate .length will give you this number of items, then you already have the amount.

You can also use the method each from jQuery to go through that list of items you just selected, and get the value that is typed and add to the variable soma_inputs if it is a valid number and subsequently uses that value.

and to play this value added to another input you use the .val() jQuery with its sum variable.

var qtde_inputs = $('.quant').length;
var soma_inputs = 0;

  var valorItem = parseFloat($(item).val());

    soma_inputs += parseFloat($(item).val());

<script src=""></script>

  <input type="text" class="quant" value="10">
  <input type="text" class="quant" value="10">
  <input type="text" class="quant" value="20">
  <input type="text" id="seu_campo_destino_da_soma">

  • to send an input in case I put?

  • added to the reply...

  • is, in case, he is not adding up alone and not counting how many inputs have, would have to count the amount of input and add the values entered in, count is already doing in my example, just need to add up alone every time you change the value of the quantity, he is already doing this? in case I would have to put in my code to appear?

  • Yes... I put this code as an example for you to see how it works, not to make it work for you, you know? is to take the idea I gave you and put it in your code.

  • Gee, perfect, it worked really well, I put in the Count More and Count Less, then it counts the inputs and adds up the values by creating and removing, very grateful, I understood then how it works, don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I wanted you to do it for me, it’s that I didn’t really know, I’m new to jquery

  • just one more question, I tried several ways but I got no result, I wanted to add the amount of the sum input when the change event happens or else Blur, nothing is happening $('input.Quant'). on('change', Function() { somar_quantity(); }); does not work even with Blur

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If it’s just to iterate, add and display, you have the following option:

var itens = document.querySelectorAll(".quant");
var total = 0;

[], function(item) {
  total += parseInt(item.value);


document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = total;
<input class="quant" type="text" value="1">
<input class="quant" type="text" value="1">
<input class="quant" type="text" value="1">
<input class="quant" type="text" value="1">

<div id="total"></div>

  • is, the problem is that it is not changing automatically, would have to do two things, count the input, in your example, 4 and also add the values that are typed within each input, ie only have 1 empty input, then appears 1 in . count and 0 in . add and when typing any value in . How to repeat it in . sum, when another input appears, that is, now has 2 then it will count 2 in . count that then will appear 2 and in . sum, will add the 2 values within the 2 inputs


var soma = 0;
  • to send an input in case, I put?

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