Does anyone know how to register Insert/delete/update performed in the database outside the application or restricting by user?
For example only via Sqlmanager only,
The Database is SQL Server 2014;
Does anyone know how to register Insert/delete/update performed in the database outside the application or restricting by user?
For example only via Sqlmanager only,
The Database is SQL Server 2014;
Without using audit, only via Trigger. Using this Trigger creation model via SQL Dynamico, Voce can monitor actions.
Create your _LOG table first and add below.
DECLARE @tablename VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @audittable VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @sqlInsert VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @sqlColumns VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @sqlJoin VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @sqlWhere VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @sqlWhereFinal VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @sqlHeader VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @quote CHAR(1) SET @quote = CHAR(39) SET @tablename = 'SUA_TABELA' --Replace this with the table name for which you want to write the update trigger SET @audittable = 'SUA_TABELA_LOG' --Replace this with the audit table you want to insert the changed data --this is just the header info for the trigger SET @sqlHeader = 'IF OBJECT_ID('+@quote+''+@tablename+'_U'+@quote+') IS NOT NULL DROP TRIGGER dbo.'+@tablename+'_U GO CREATE TRIGGER dbo.'+@tablename+'_U ON dbo.'+@tablename+' FOR update /************************************************************** * Update trigger for '+@tablename+' * * MODIFICATIONS * 01/01/2000 xxx New **************************************************************/ AS ' PRINT @sqlHeader --select insert into SELECT @sqlInsert = COALESCE(@sqlInsert+' ,' , '') + name + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(9) FROM sys.syscolumns WHERE OBJECT_NAME(id) = @tablename ORDER BY colid SET @sqlInsert = 'insert into dbo.'+@audittable+'('+CHAR(13) +CHAR(9)+@sqlInsert +')' PRINT @sqlInsert -- select col list SELECT @sqlColumns = COALESCE(@sqlColumns+' ,' , '') +'d.'+ name + CHAR(13) + CHAR(9) FROM sys.syscolumns WHERE OBJECT_NAME(id) = @tablename ORDER BY colid SET @sqlColumns = 'select '+CHAR(13) +CHAR(9)+ @sqlColumns --strip the last linebreak SET @sqlColumns = LEFT(@sqlColumns, (LEN(@sqlColumns)-2)) PRINT @sqlColumns --generate the join condition between Inserted and Deleted tables if the table has Primary key IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE table_name = @tablename AND constraint_name LIKE '%PK%') BEGIN SET @sqlJoin = '' SELECT @sqlJoin = COALESCE(@sqlJoin , '') + 'd.'+ column_name + ' = i.'+ column_name + CHAR(13)+CHAR(9) +' and ' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE table_name = @tablename AND constraint_name LIKE '%PK%' SET @sqlJoin = 'from ' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(9) + ' deleted d join inserted i on ' + @sqlJoin --strip off the last 'and' SET @sqlJoin = LEFT(@sqlJoin, (LEN(@sqlJoin)-6)) END ELSE SET @sqlJoin = 'from deleted d, inserted i' PRINT @sqlJoin --generate the != clause where you check if atleast one column is changed... DECLARE @coltype VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @colname VARCHAR(100) SET @sqlWhereFinal = 'where' DECLARE colcursor CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY READ_ONLY FOR SELECT st.name, sc.name FROM sys.syscolumns sc JOIN sys.systypes st ON sc.xtype = st.xtype WHERE OBJECT_NAME(sc.id) = @tablename AND sc.name NOT IN (SELECT column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE table_name = @tablename AND constraint_name LIKE '%PK%') OPEN colcursor FETCH next FROM colcursor INTO @coltype , @colname WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN SET @sqlWhere = '' PRINT @sqlWhereFinal SET @sqlWhereFinal = '' SET @sqlWhere = CASE WHEN @coltype IN('smalldatetime','datetime','sql_variant','ntext','varbinary','varchar','binary','char','timestamp','nvarchar','nchar','xml','sysname') THEN @sqlWhere + CHAR(9) + 'isnull(d.'+ @colname +','''') != isnull(i.'+ @colname + ','''') or' ELSE @sqlWhere + CHAR(9) + 'isnull(d.'+ @colname +',-1) != isnull(i.'+ @colname + ',-1) or' END SET @sqlWhereFinal = @sqlWhereFinal + @sqlWhere FETCH next FROM colcursor INTO @coltype , @colname END CLOSE colcursor DEALLOCATE colcursor --remove the last 'or' SET @sqlWhereFinal = LEFT(@sqlWhereFinal, (LEN(@sqlWhereFinal)-3)) PRINT @sqlWhereFinal
The change data capture (CDC) is an option; you had the opportunity to read the article SQL Server Security Audit Basics?
The subject is extensive to address in forum topic, but there are several articles on the web that deal with audit.
There are specific ready scripts for audit, that you can adapt to what you need.
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I found that I can perform monitoring by Trigger or by change data capture of SQL server, there are other options, or some observation regarding them?
– Guisal