Error publishing project to Github by Android Studio


Viewed 279 times


I’m trying to share a project I have in Android Studio with git but it always returns me the following error:

Successfully created project 'nome' on GitHub, but initial push failed: Could not read from remote repository.

searching the internet, I saw the people talking to go on Configuration -> Version control -> git -> ssh and select native, but even doing so it presents the same error.

there is another solution?

  • Is the repository successfully created on your github? If not, won’t it be an access problem with your SSH key or wrong password? Try manually creating the push repository with "git init" and "git push origin master" to check if these errors still occur (Android Studio will be able to sync later).


  • The repository is successfully created on my github, but it is created empty. I created a token with unrestricted access to the account, and still it is still in error. I will try to create manually as you indicated me.

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