Inputmask() function for Cpf and cnpj


Viewed 17,712 times


I’m using the plugin Inputmask, the following JS code

    mask: ['999.999.999-99', '99.999.999/9999-99'],
    keepStatic: true

Man input is taking the mask of Cpf, but is locked into it. When it reaches the 11 digits, it does not enable the cnpj.

  • 1

    Hello Matheus, could edit your question and add which plugin you are using?

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  • Thank you Randrade, I am not very acotumado to use, still learning, but thank you very much for the information

2 answers


I didn’t quite understand your problem. Using this library of Inputmask, your code works perfectly.

See an example of it below.

  mask: ['999.999.999-99', '99.999.999/9999-99'],
  keepStatic: true
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<input id="cpfcnpj" placeholder="CPF ou CNPJ" />

  • I don’t know what’s going on then

  • 1

    It worked, it was the version of Inputmask that I was using, I saw that in your example ai ta using the 3, I was using the 2, thanks


Well, you don’t need a plugin for that:

function mascaraMutuario(o,f){

function execmascara(){

function cpfCnpj(v){

    //Remove tudo o que não é dígito

    if (v.length <= 14) { //CPF

        //Coloca um ponto entre o terceiro e o quarto dígitos

        //Coloca um ponto entre o terceiro e o quarto dígitos
        //de novo (para o segundo bloco de números)

        //Coloca um hífen entre o terceiro e o quarto dígitos

    } else { //CNPJ

        //Coloca ponto entre o segundo e o terceiro dígitos

        //Coloca ponto entre o quinto e o sexto dígitos

        //Coloca uma barra entre o oitavo e o nono dígitos

        //Coloca um hífen depois do bloco de quatro dígitos


    return v
<script src=""></script>

<input type="text" class="form-control"  id="user_cpf" name="user_cpf" placeholder="" maxlength="18" onkeypress='mascaraMutuario(this,cpfCnpj)' onblur='clearTimeout()' required data-error="Informe seu CPF">

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