I have a mvc page that calls a method in the webapi (another project within the solution), it turns out that in the localhost everything works normally, when it will homologation, when calling the method in the api, it excuta everything correctly, does what it has to do, but the return of ajax comes as error, only as msg error ( even doing what you have to do) Can someone help me? Obs: Remembering that the method worked on the localhost, only on the homologation server is giving error ( error, but even with error executes the method ) called ajax:
Method in api:
What is the error returned?
– Leonel Sanches da Silva
When I looked at the error return: only xhr is filled with the text "error" and nothing else, I did the test running the localhost application and pointing to the api that is on the homologation server
– Renan F Bossa
Have you tried using a REST tool that triggers this request for you and gives you a more complete error?
– Leonel Sanches da Silva
Tip: code post instead of images code. If by chance someone has to reproduce the error, they will not be able...
– brasofilo
I’ll post the code I’m sorry,I just thought it looked visually better rsrs
– Renan F Bossa