Check whether the date range between two input’s is less than a month and apply a condition


Viewed 1,157 times


I have two input’s one for start date and one for end date, I need to create a condition on javascript(jquery) for case the range is less than one month, example: I will disable a button if the range is less than 1 month.

Follow my current code: Here.

Note: I could not make the code work right here in the post, if someone can edit thank you.

UPDATE I managed using the tip from the friend below, I just made a few adjustments to fit my need Here

3 answers



This small script will return the difference in DAYS of your two dates.

var dataIni = new Date($('#startDate').val());
var dataFim = new Date($('#endDate').val());
var diferencaEmMili = Math.abs(dataFim.getTime() - dataIni.getTime());
var diferencaEmDias = Math.ceil(diferencaEmMili / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); 

I put an example here in Jsfiddle with your code, working the comparison of dates



function Testar() {
var data_inicial = document.getElementById("dataInicial").value;
var data_final = document.getElementById("dataFinal").value;

var date1 = new Date(data_inicial);
var date2 = new Date(data_final);
var timeDiff = Math.abs(date2.getTime() - date1.getTime());
var diffDays = Math.ceil(timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); 
	if(diffDays <= 30)
	alert("Menor que 30 dias - botão 'Testar' vai ser desabilitado");
	document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "";
  <label class="fa fa-calendar">
        <input id="dataInicial" name="dataInicial" type="text" value="">
  <label class="fa fa-calendar">
        <input id="dataFinal" name="dataFinal" type="text" value="">
  <div id="demo"><input name='Salvar' type='submit' id='Salvar' value='Testar' onclick='Testar()'></div>

OBS; dates in mm/dd/yyyy format

  • I was able to do it using your code, Mto thanks.

  • face all right, I know you’ve helped me, I tried to get the result I’d like but there’s something wrong not ta 100% what I want is when I select a date less than 30 days the button per month is deactivated and when it is larger q 30 it is activated again, but when it is deactivated the graphic that appears has to be the por dia.

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