I need to select sequences of numbers in a field of a table column


Viewed 504 times


I have a 'Text' column in my 'process' table. Text consists of a VARCHAR (220), in this text I need to identify a specific word pattern. In this case a sequence of numbers with a "-" to separate:

'1234-567' - Are 4 digits followed by '-' and then after 3 digits;

And before this number is a word like 'Pronumber: '. So I tried to use the Substring and Locate function, to track and show the result.

SELECT substring(Texto, locate('ProNumber:', Texto) +11,8) como número FROM processo;

But unfortunately this number appears several times in the 'Text' column field, and my query only shows the first one. Is there any way to make a query that returns the various numbers that the field contains?

I wish the result was something like:
Process | Pronumber
   0001 | 1234-567
   0001 | 8945-567
   0002 | 1258-567
   0003 | 1454-547
   0004 | 1548-987
   0004 | 1234-567

  • Your question is a little confused. You want to make a filter (WHERE) that finds records with this numeric pattern or wants to have an output on SELECT that removes from the text some characters that are not in this pattern?

  • I’m sorry, what I’m wanting is for the result of Select to be a column, in show the sequences of numbers, contained in the field. In the middle of the field there may be for example 3 of these sequences, I would like the 3 to be returned by Select.

  • 1

    Hello, please add some example records and the exact output (SELECT result) you need?

1 answer


Try using this regex pattern to capture what you need.

([\n]|^)(?=ProNumber: (\d*-\d*)*)

Since you did not specify if the number of digits contained in the sequence "123-456" can vary left the regex delimited only by the sequence "Pronumber: " placing a positivelookahead but I advise you to delimit by the number of characters before and after "-" if they are fixed values, avoiding unwanted catches.

  • Yes, they are fixed values! Both before "-" and after. I would need these values to be delivered by Select itself. For each Process that all numbers contained in the Text field are displayed.

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