Conflict between Listview’s latest Ell and Floatingactionbutton


Viewed 57 times


On the last Cell of mine ListView there is a conflict because the FloatingActionButton screen is covering two buttons as shown in the image:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I wish I could enlarge the scroll area of my ListView or be able to include something at the end of the scroll that makes the buttons not create space conflicts.

I tried to include an extra Cell in ListAdapter and leave it all blank, that works but when I get to the end of the queue and visualize, if I scroll up, other Cell also turn white, as shown in the image:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""



I’m using the java one class extends FragmentList

  • Try to put something like footer (a layout, a baner), I believe your problem is a design issue

  • Listview is in a vertical Linearlayout. If I put another layout occupying a space inside this Linearlayout, it is fixed on the screen and the list on top of it. I would like the List to make the most of the screen area. Adding this area only to the bottom of the scroll list.

  • 2

    I don’t see in this layout the Floatingactionbutton.

  • Floaringacrionbutton is in Mainactivity, in it I call a Fragment, which is the list. The Floatingactionbutton is in the front therefore when I scroll to the end of the list it is in front of the blue buttons as shown in the first image.

  • 1

    If you notice this happens in large apps and it doesn’t matter much. If you look at the Whatsapp you will notice that the count of unread messages appear behind the new Floatingactionbutton.

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