Php data disappears on page


Viewed 72 times


I have a code in PHP and when viewing the page it cuts the text data.

echo '<div id="tabs-2">
<p><b>Ficha de Aptidão Médica:</b></p>

<p>Trabalhador (1) Validade:';
if ($exibe['MedicaValidade'] != '0000-00-00')
    if (strtotime($exibe['MedicaValidade']) < time()) 
        echo '<span style="color:red">'.$exibe['MedicaValidade'].'</span>';
        echo 'Anexo :<a href="MostrarMedica.php?id='. $exibe['id'].'">&nbsp; Ver PDF</a>';
    } else {
        echo $exibe['MedicaValidade'];
        echo '<a href="MostrarMedica.php?id='.$exibe['id'].'">&nbsp; Ver PDF</a></p>';

'<p>Trabalhador (2) Validade:';
if ($exibe['MedicaValidade2'] != '0000-00-00')
    if (strtotime($exibe['MedicaValidade2']) < time()) 
        echo '<span style="color:red">'.$exibe['MedicaValidade2'].'</span>';
        echo '<a href="MostrarMedica2.php?id='. $exibe['id'].'">&nbsp; Ver PDF</a>';
    } else {
        echo $exibe['MedicaValidade2'];
        echo '<a href="MostrarMedica2.php?id='.$exibe['id'].'">&nbsp; Ver PDF</a></p>';

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

He shows up like this, disorganized.

I want to put:

Worker (1) Validity: 2014-30-05 Annex: SEE
Worker (2) Validity: 2014-30-05 Annex: SEE

And always show more if the date is different from 0000-00-00.

1 answer


The syntax of your file is all messed up. You forgot several echo and quotes without closing during the course of your code! The following code will work as desired:


echo '<div id="tabs-2">';
echo '<p><b>Ficha de Aptidão Médica:</b></p>';

if ($exibe['MedicaValidade'] != '0000-00-00') {
    echo '<p>Trabalhador (1) Validade:';
    if (strtotime($exibe['MedicaValidade']) < time()) {
        echo '<span style="color:red">' . $exibe['MedicaValidade'] . '</span>';
        echo 'Anexo :<a href="MostrarMedica.php?id=' . $exibe['id'] . '">&nbsp; Ver PDF</a>';
    } else {
        echo $exibe['MedicaValidade'];
        echo '<a href="MostrarMedica.php?id=' . $exibe['id'] . '">&nbsp; Ver PDF</a></p>';

if ($exibe['MedicaValidade2'] != '0000-00-00') {
    echo '<p>Trabalhador (2) Validade:';
    if (strtotime($exibe['MedicaValidade2']) < time()) {
        echo '<span style="color:red">' . $exibe['MedicaValidade2'] . '</span>';
        echo '<a href="MostrarMedica2.php?id=' . $exibe['id'] . '">&nbsp; Ver PDF</a>';
    } else {
        echo $exibe['MedicaValidade2'];
        echo '<a href="MostrarMedica2.php?id=' . $exibe['id'] . '">&nbsp; Ver PDF</a></p>';

However, to avoid repeating code, try to group the output of your database using repeating structures :

<div id="tabs-2">
<p><b>Ficha de Aptidão Médica:</b></p>

for ($i = 1; $i <= count($trabalhador); $i++) {
    if ($trabalhador[$i]['MedicaValidade'] != '0000-00-00') {
        echo '<p>Trabalhador ({$i]}) Validade:';
        if (strtotime($trabalhador[$i]['MedicaValidade']) < time()) {

            echo "<span style='color:red'>{$trabalhador[$i]['MedicaValidade']}</span>";
        } else {
            echo $trabalhador[$i]['MedicaValidade'];
        echo "Anexo :<a href='MostrarMedica.php?id={$trabalhador[$i]['id']}'>&nbsp; Ver PDF</a>";


PS.: The above code will not work directly in your application, but notice the difference in organization and decrease in code repetition.

  • Thank you very much. But the one thing that didn’t work out which is when the validity is 0000-00-00 I don’t want it to show anything

  • Just move inside the if

  • This php is no longer used...because you don’t make a php like it should be .. with structure with functions and flames by ajax ;) and put what you want

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