Blank marking - Atom


Viewed 288 times


I visualized some video lessons where I noticed some people using blank spaces marking the code with characters and found it very interesting. I wonder if anyone can tell me what this is called and if possible how to apply in the Atom text editor.

From now on, thank you!

  • You can try entering settings (CTRL+,), go to Editor and select the option Show Invisibles.

  • Would Leo be able to put a little bit of a screenshot showing the desired resource, just to be sure what it refers to? Would this be it?

  • Exactly that. I used the steps @Andersoncarloswoss said and it worked, thank you for your attention!

1 answer


This is a useful practice when you want to prevent invisible characters from being in your code without your consent. Especially when a chunk of code is copied from somewhere else (a website, for example).

Note: some terms described below may vary depending on the language setting of your editor.

To do this, just enter the settings of the editor through the menu Edit / Preferences or the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ,.

Configurações do Atom

In the navigation menu, left side of the page, go to the tab Publisher.

Aba Editor

Scroll down to invisible character settings and select the option View Invisible:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

You can even customize the characters that will be displayed by changing the following settings:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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