So I’m creating an editor of a PS2 football game in C#. And the game’s "color system" is RGB, and by then it was all going very well, because I was coming across "normal" Hex codes in the game like choosing the color R:255 G:255 B:255 in Hex gets R:FF G:FF B:FF, and then just make the exchange of values via Hex, but I came across a "system" which left me lost even because I am a mere beginner rsrs which is as follows: the RGB color options in this part of the game go only up to 31, R: 0 to 31 G: 0 to 31 B: 0 to 31 and the code in Hex "generated" when choosing the color in the game is only 2 bytes (including the "slot" for the color exchange via Hex is only 2 bytes even ) and not 3 as it should be for example: in the game I choose R:245 B:130 G:05 in Hex is F58205 and already in the options of RGB 31 is thus R:0 G:0 B:0 and the code Hex is 0080, So... do you have any idea how this works? a way exists even because the guy managed to do in this old program is not true rsrs
Has a color scheme, RGB 565, which uses 6 bits for green and 5 bits for other colors.
– epx
@I mentioned it in the penultimate paragraph. And in 8 bits there are those who leave the blue with 2 bits and the others with 3, because the blue is the one that we least perceive nuances. Then, in a next Edit, I elaborate better.
– Bacco