Wordpress slow and with database access errors


Viewed 56 times


All right guys,

I had asked another question, but I was able to identify some queries that are consuming a lot of running time.

I developed a theme for a news portal, and in each area I upload news from a certain category. But as some posts (news) use more than one category, I need to be careful not to get repeated data, in this case I use the post__not_in option

Take an example:

//$posts_ID é uma variavel que guarda dos IDs dos posts ja exibidos em consultas anteriores a esta.
$posts_planeta_diario = new WP_Query(
        'post__not_in' => $posts_ID,
        'posts_per_page' => 3,
        'cat' => 3946
$return_while = 1;
    while ($posts_planeta_diario->have_posts()):

        //armazena os IDs resgatados 
        $posts_ID[] = get_the_ID();

        //evitar quebra de layout
        if ($return_while == 3)
            $style_planeta_diario = 'style="margin-right:0px"'
        <li class="liNoticiasPlanetaDiario02" <?php echo $style_planeta_diario; ?>>
            <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail('thumb-205x145') ?></a>
                <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>

        $return_while ++;

In this example shows what happens on the home page of the site. My database currently has 1gb. When I have many simultaneous accesses of that famous database error (ERROR WHEN CONNECTING TO DATABASE).

The logic I used above is correct, it may be this type of call that is causing slowness and bank error ?

  • Guy apparently has nothing wrong with his logic, check whether in your wordpress has many crons. Basic question your application account server?

  • Probably the max_user_connections/max_connections Mysql, which limits the number of concurrent processes. If this is so, then these topics are related: http://answall.com/questions/182000/exceeded-the-max-user-connections-resource-c-sql/ and http://answall.com/questions/46433/mariadb-para-quando-tenho-muitos-acessos-no-wordpress.

1 answer


I don’t know if it’s been solved yet. But you forgot to put the wp_reset_postdata() at the end after the endwhile for more information on what to/why to use here

Another thing I didn’t understand right is what you have to increment the loop. That’s not good. You can do the same thing you did here $style_planeta_diario = 'style="margin-right:0px"' using asssim css only:

p:nth-child(3n) {

Doing this is one less loop that your code will do and will greatly improve performance.

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