Creation of Recursive Folders


Viewed 72 times


The Problem:

I wonder if there is a more practical way than using the control structures IF/ELSE for creation of folders recursively, based on the inputs that the user typed.


For example, in my script, I receive the data, validate and sanitize the later ones, and then I create folders with the data of the fields informed, so far so good, but the problem is that some fields are not required to be typed, so if I have, for example 4 fields:

Name, Enterprise, City, State

I wonder if there’s any other way than IF/ELSE:

$dir = "uploads/{$nome}/{$empresa}/{$cidade}/{$estado}/";       
            mkdir($dir, 0777, true);

To create the folders with the data that was typed, ignoring the empty fields to avoid errors

  • And what should happen if there is some empty field?

  • It should ignore the $dir variable field if the name field is empty: $dir="uploads/{$empresa}/{$cidade}/{$estado}/"; and so on until all fields are checked

1 answer


A practical way (a few lines) is to create a vector with the values of the variables and filter them with the function array_filter. Then you can unify the remaining values with the function implode. Take the example:

$nome    = "";
$empresa = "";
$cidade  = "foo";
$estado  = "bar";

$dir = 'uploads/' . implode('/', array_filter([$nome, $empresa, $cidade, $estado]));

var_dump($dir); // string(15) "uploads/foo/bar"

Since natively an empty string is parsed as false by PHP, the function array_filter eliminates all empty values, then the rest are concatenated through the function implode.

You can see the code working here or here.

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