I have a problem trying to get Tlist from a Generics.Collections.Tlist.
Gives the following error:
[dcc32 Error] Unit1.pas(101): E2010 Incompatible types: 'TExame' and 'System.Generics.Collections.TList<modExame.TExame>'
I basically get a Json for the class, but I can’t access a class within that class. Because it is in 'Customers.Exames.Exame', within Customers, has Texame that I want to take the values but gives incompatibility
How do you deserialize this JSON? How are you assigning value to your generic list?
– Victor Tadashi
I answered a question where I showed you how to use generic lists. See if you can help.http://answall.com/questions/155969/fazer-um-locate-de-um-clientdataset%C3%A9-very expensive/156317#156317
– Victor Tadashi