I’m having trouble receiving multiple choices and inserting in Mysql
I created this script sequence but
<form method="post" action="01maxtestes.php">
<select name="padroes" size="10" multiple>
<option value="<? echo $MAXI_pad_select['PAD_ID']; ?>"><? echo $MAXI_pad_select['PAD_NUM_CERTIFICADO']; ?> - <? echo $MAXI_pad_select['PAD_IDENTI']; ?> - <? if($MAXI_pad_select['PAD_STATUS_VALIDA'] == 0){ echo "<strong>(VALIDO) </strong>"; }elseif($MAXI_pad_select['PAD_STATUS_VALIDA'] == 1){ echo "(HÁ VENCER)"; }else{ echo "(VENCIDO)"; } ?></option>
<? }while($MAXI_pad_select = mysql_fetch_assoc($MAXI_pad_select_query));
<br /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Enviar" />
<input type="reset" value="Cancelar" />
Ai when sending he receives only one number through this
$padroes_testesss = $_POST['padroes'];
only that if I select more than one it returns only the last selected information. only that I want to return 1 or more information selected in the list linking to an Insert Into from another table.
Someone can give me a strength?
I am using PHP 5.4.