cakephp 3.3 links are receiving the "var/www/html" url


Viewed 78 times


I’m having the following problem, in implementing the site all links that were generated by cakephp functions like:

<?= $this->Html->image('logo.png', ['url'=>'/', 'id'=>'logo']) ?>

Are receiving var/www/html, and repeat the address at the end getting that way: "" someone has had a similar problem?

I came to find something on the internet but the person in question reinstalled everything.

  • See if this helps:

  • did not come to solve the problem, but gave a light, my constants ROOT, and CORE_PATH, are returning /var/www/html/ and adding this stretch after the domain and before the link I added getting file`, cakephp should use one of these directly or indirectly in the <?= $this->Html->link function ("name", "folder/myfile") when mounting links

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