Error cancelling an image export job in EC2


Viewed 30 times


I created a task to export image and some time after no longer being necessary I wanted to export I wanted to cancel but an error occurs.

This command: aws ec2 Cancel-export-task --export-task-id export-i-fgwr77c4

Returns this error: A client error (Incorrectstate) occurred when Calling the Cancelexporttask Operation: Task can not be cancelled at this Stage: 'export-i-fgwr77c4'

This command: aws ec2 describe-export-tasks Returns the following: { "Exporttasks": [ { "State": "active", "Exporttaskid": "export-i-fgwr77c4", "Instanceexportdetails": { "Instanceid": "i-07d3c3c3c4c43b5a4", "Targetenvironment": "Vmware" }, "Exporttos3task": { "Diskimageformat": "vmdk", "s3key": "exportexport-i-fgwr77c4.ova", "Containerformat": "ova", "S3bucket": "agtis" } } ] }

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