What are the main differences between Angular, React and Vue.js?


Viewed 4,443 times


On a project SPA which will soon be used also in a mobile app, I need to know the main differences to decide which one framework should I specialize.

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    recommend reading: https://medium.com/by-vinicius-reis/o-que-e-react-ng2-auleria-vue-e34b0c77b5a1

  • We missed Node.js kk

3 answers


Topical Angular Vue.js React
Popularity rank 2 N/A 4
Appreciation 6 N/A 1
Number of posts (OS) 226.473 5,288 37.731
Operating model MVC View View
Category Framework1 Library Library

1 A framework is more complete than a library, covering more aspects of a standard application - like route control, resources, caching and CORS, for example.

Note: Data for 2017.


Angularjs (version 1) is already obsolete. It is a framework that includes routing, form validation, etc. It uses MVC (Model-View-Controller) template. Its successor is Angular, which is already in version 4 (no version 3) and applications are written in Typescript. Angular is different from the original Angularjs 1.X. Angular was created by the staff of Google.

React is a library (library) that focuses on UI development with reusable components. It’s like a jQuery upgrade. React is typically used in conjunction with other libraries such as Redux, React Router, etc., thus forming a full frontend application. React was created by the Facebook people.

Vue.js, like React, is a library focused on the application’s View. It was created by Evan You, Google developer who worked on the development of Angularjs. That’s why Vue.js has a strong influence on the aspects of Angularjs.

I think they each have their own strength and I recommend taking a look at each other’s structure and code. I personally like React. I was a big fan of Angularjs, but I converted. I never used Vue.js, but it seems to have a certain popularity recently.


Angularjs: framework, with everything already included, but now version 1 is obsolete. Learn Typescript to develop for Angular (v2+).

React: library, fast applications due to Virtual DOM. Encourages the use of vanilla Javascript and ES6.

Vue.js: there seems to be Angular aspects, but in a library instead of a complete framework.


Vue.JS and React.JS are aimed at the View according to each one’s websites. Angular.JS says itself more robust.

Although it is possible some things that the Angular JS does with Vue and React, Angular JS ends up becoming more robust.

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