Datasource Configuration Error in VS Community 2015 C# + Reportviwer + Mysql


Viewed 314 times


good afternoon. having a tremendous difficulty solving this problem. I am in the distribution phase of an App and exactly today I had a serious problem.

Generate a report Using Riportviwer and Mysql in VSC 2015.

Application running smoothly, but in creating a Datasource to be used by Dataset, an error occurs.

Filed to open a Connection to the database "cannot obtain privider Factory for data Provider named ''.

I don’t know what else to do, I already uninstalled the Nector 6.9.9, disabled the VS reportViewer and enabled again, I even installed the odbc driver (which I don’t particularly intend to use it).

If anyone has ever been through a similar problem, please I’m in need of help.inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

2 answers


Tiago S, thank you so much for the return.

I would like to add to Tiago’s post (which resolved in parts the problem that was happening).

Here’s what I figured out. When working with Mysql and Vscommunity (2015 not tested in other versions), the developer or analyst should keep in mind that the versions of Mysql, should be very well analyzed in the context of architecture.

When using mysql-for-visualstudio-2.0.4 above or equal, you must use Connector/Net 6.9.9. Versions prior to mysql-for-visualstudio-2.0.4 must use version Connector/Net 6.9.8. (this was my problem. I am using version 1.2.6)

This way for any version of mysql-for-visualstudio, your conect should be thoroughly analyzed.

Thanks for the opportunity.



Try this solution

  1. Close the Visual Studio
  2. Remove Mysql Connector/Net embedding
  3. Install Mysql Connector/Net as you did before deleting (typical/ custom).
  4. Open the Visual studio
  5. Deletes all connections to the server/database/dataset of the solution and server explorer. (IMPORTANT: Do not remove any line of code).
  6. Restore the connection to your database by naming it as it was.
  7. Reestablish the connection to your data source for dataset as was.

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