Internalization file, how to create?


Viewed 66 times


Good afternoon, someone knows how to create the internalization file on Android ?

I want to create a.xml(en) strings, thank you.

1 answer


Very succinctly, you just need to create a directory, for example values-en within the res. The en means it is English. It could be fr, French, and so on.

This way for each key, you make the translation.



<string name="title_settings">Configurações</string>


<string name="title_settings">Configurations</string>

Read more here about Compatibility with different devices.

  • When I go in res > New>Directory add the name, it loads and closes, then when I go looking for the directory I can’t find and if I try to create again it says it already exists

  • Go to the folder where your project is located and create it yourself. You can even copy and paste the strings.xml. Then you’ll be back in the IDE and you’ll be there.

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