MSBUILD - How to Publish Multiple Single Solution Projects (OSGI)


Viewed 325 times


I’m in need of some help publishing my projects. I am using OSGI to modulate my application, with consequence in my Solution there are several WEB applications.

Ex: Solution A

 1. Aplicação 1
 2. Aplicação 2
 3. Aplicação 3
 4. Aplicação Principal

These applications have no references to each other, but I need all applications to be inside a folder ("Plugins") within the Rais of the "Parent Application" at the time of publication.

Note. I need these applications with all the necessary files (Views, Script ... Etc, ) can’t just be the binary because they are web applications

1 answer


You can try via command line:

msbuild example.sln /p:Configuration=Test;DeployOnBuild=true;PublishProfile=Test.example.pubxml /MaxCpuCount:8

The idea is to create a Bach (bat) to make this publication. The nice thing is that if in some project you change some publishing configuration ( .pubxml file), it will reflect in the bat.

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