Interface does not update in Emulator


Viewed 276 times


I am creating a screen in Android Studio, created the emulator is running all right.

Then I added some component on this screen. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Only when I look at the application in the emulator it doesn’t update the screen with the new components I added.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I went through the same problem not long ago bro, I imagine you have updated the android studio not long ago. You will need to use a new emulator, just create a new one.

  • So in case I can delete this emulator, and create it again that runs ? @Dummies

  • I believe yes, one with the same settings, now it will be totally new and will not have your other apk’s and Talz, only you add them normally.

  • try here then.

  • I created a new emulator, and now the app @Bonecosinforoso is not appearing

  • open it through android studio

  • It didn’t work, the app doesn’t appear in the emulator, I’m creating a new project to see if the right @Dummies

  • gives some error in the log?

  • To be able to solve here, that’s what you said, Thank you @Dummies

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